messages Module

TypeTags Class

class oscpython.messages.TypeTags(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = -1, tags: List[str] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.StringArgument

Container for OSC typetags

tags: List[str]

The list of typetags

append(tag: str)[source]

Append a typetag to the tags list


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)

classmethod parse(data: bytes)Tuple[oscpython.arguments.StringArgument, bytes][source]

Parse OSC-formatted data and create an Argument

Returns a tuple of:

Argument containing the parsed value


Any remaining bytes after the argument data

Packet Class

class oscpython.messages.Packet(remote_client: Optional[oscpython.common.Client] = None, parent_bundle: Optional[oscpython.messages.Bundle] = None, parent_index: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Bases: object

OSC packet (either Message or Bundle)

remote_client: Optional[oscpython.common.Client] = None

If the packet was received, the host that was received from. If sending the packet, the destination host

parent_bundle: Optional[oscpython.messages.Bundle] = None

Instance of Bundle that contains the packet (if any)

parent_index: Optional[int] = None

Index of the packet within the parent_bundle

classmethod parse(packet_data: bytes, **kwargs)Tuple[oscpython.messages.Packet, bytes][source]

Parse OSC-formatted bytes and build a Message or Bundle

  • packet_data – The byte string to parse

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass when creating Packet instances

Returns a tuple of:

The parsed object


Any remaining bytes after the packet data

Message Class

class oscpython.messages.Message(remote_client: Optional[oscpython.common.Client] = None, parent_bundle: Optional[oscpython.messages.Bundle] = None, parent_index: Optional[int] = None, address: oscpython.address.Address = <factory>, arguments: List[oscpython.arguments.Argument] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: oscpython.messages.Packet

An OSC Message

address: oscpython.address.Address

The OSC address pattern for the message

arguments: List[oscpython.arguments.Argument]

OSC arguments for the message

property timetag

TimeTag associated with the message

If present, the timetag of the parent_bundle is used. Otherwise, this will always be common.TimeTag.Immediately

classmethod create(address: Union[oscpython.address.Address, str], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience method to create a Message

Creates the address field from the provided address string and adds the message arguments contained in positional args

add_argument(value: Any)oscpython.arguments.Argument[source]

Create an Argument from the given value and add it to the arguments list.

If the value is an instance of Argument it will be added without copying


Create multiple arguments using add_argument()


Construct a byte string for the message and its arguments

classmethod parse(packet_data: bytes, **kwargs)Tuple[oscpython.messages.Message, bytes][source]

Parse OSC-formatted bytes and build a Message or Bundle

  • packet_data – The byte string to parse

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass when creating Packet instances

Returns a tuple of:

The parsed object


Any remaining bytes after the packet data

Bundle Class

class oscpython.messages.Bundle(remote_client: Optional[oscpython.common.Client] = None, parent_bundle: Optional[oscpython.messages.Bundle] = None, parent_index: Optional[int] = None, timetag: oscpython.common.TimeTag = TimeTag(seconds=0, fraction=1), packets: List[oscpython.messages.Packet] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: oscpython.messages.Packet

An OSC Bundle

timetag: oscpython.common.TimeTag = TimeTag(seconds=0, fraction=1)

The TimeTag associated with the bundle

packets: List[oscpython.messages.Packet]

List of Packet instances to include in the bundle. Elements may be either Message or Bundle instances (nested bundles are allowed to occur)

add_packet(packet: oscpython.messages.Packet)[source]

Add a Message or Bundle to the packets list


Construct a byte string for the bundle and the packets it contains

classmethod parse(packet_data: bytes, **kwargs)Tuple[oscpython.messages.Bundle, bytes][source]

Parse OSC-formatted bytes and build a Message or Bundle

  • packet_data – The byte string to parse

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass when creating Packet instances

Returns a tuple of:

The parsed object


Any remaining bytes after the packet data


class oscpython.messages.ParseError(packet_data: bytes, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Exception

class oscpython.messages.PacketStartError(packet_data: bytes, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: oscpython.messages.ParseError

class oscpython.messages.MessageStartError(packet_data: bytes, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: oscpython.messages.PacketStartError

class oscpython.messages.BundleStartError(packet_data: bytes, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: oscpython.messages.PacketStartError