arguments Module

Argument Class

class oscpython.arguments.Argument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for OSC arguments

tag: ClassVar[str]

The OSC type tag for the argument

struct_fmt: ClassVar[str]

Format string used by struct

py_type: ClassVar[type]

The matching Python type for the argument

value: Optional[Any] = None

The argument value

index: int = -1

The argument index within its parent oscpython.messages.Message

classmethod get_argument_for_value(value: Any)oscpython.arguments.Argument[source]

Get an Argument subclass to handle the given value


ArgumentTypeError – If the given type is not supported

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Perform value checks (used by subclasses)


ArgumentValueError – If the value is invalid


Return the format string for struct.pack() matching the current value

This should normally be struct_fmt, but certain types (like str) must be able to override with the appropriate length


Create a StructPacking for the argument


Pack the argument to bytes formatted for an OSC packet


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)

classmethod parse(data: bytes)Tuple[oscpython.arguments.Argument, bytes][source]

Parse OSC-formatted data and create an Argument

Returns a tuple of:

Argument containing the parsed value


Any remaining bytes after the argument data

Int32Argument Class

class oscpython.arguments.Int32Argument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

16-bit integer argument


alias of int

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Perform value checks (used by subclasses)


ArgumentValueError – If the value is invalid

Float32Argument Class

class oscpython.arguments.Float32Argument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

32-bit float argument


alias of float

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type

StringArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.StringArgument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

String argument


alias of str

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)


Return the format string for struct.pack() matching the current value

This should normally be struct_fmt, but certain types (like str) must be able to override with the appropriate length

classmethod parse(data: bytes)Tuple[oscpython.arguments.StringArgument, bytes][source]

Parse OSC-formatted data and create an Argument

Returns a tuple of:

Argument containing the parsed value


Any remaining bytes after the argument data

BlobArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.BlobArgument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

Blob (bytes) argument


alias of bytes

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Perform value checks (used by subclasses)


ArgumentValueError – If the value is invalid

get_pack_value()Optional[Tuple[int, bytes]][source]

Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)


Return the format string for struct.pack() matching the current value

This should normally be struct_fmt, but certain types (like str) must be able to override with the appropriate length

classmethod parse(data: bytes)Tuple[oscpython.arguments.BlobArgument, bytes][source]

Parse OSC-formatted data and create an Argument

Returns a tuple of:

Argument containing the parsed value


Any remaining bytes after the argument data

Int64Argument Class

class oscpython.arguments.Int64Argument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Int32Argument

64-bit integer argument

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Perform value checks (used by subclasses)


ArgumentValueError – If the value is invalid

TimeTagArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.TimeTagArgument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

TimeTag argument (see TimeTag)


alias of oscpython.common.TimeTag

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)

Float64Argument Class

class oscpython.arguments.Float64Argument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Float32Argument

64-bit float argument

CharArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.CharArgument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

Char argument (a single ascii character)


alias of str

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)


Perform value checks (used by subclasses)


ArgumentValueError – If the value is invalid

RGBArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.RGBArgument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

RGBA color argument (see ColorRGBA)


alias of oscpython.common.ColorRGBA

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)

MidiArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.MidiArgument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

A 4-byte MIDI message


alias of oscpython.common.MidiMessage

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)

TrueArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.TrueArgument(value: Optional[Any] = True, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.BoolArgument

Argument for True

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type

FalseArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.FalseArgument(value: Optional[Any] = False, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.BoolArgument

Argument for False

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type

NilArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.NilArgument(value: Optional[Any] = None, index: int = - 1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

Nil (None) argument

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)

InfinitumArgument Class

class oscpython.arguments.InfinitumArgument(value: Optional[Any] = <factory>, index: int = -1)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.Argument

Infinitum argument (see Infinitum)


alias of oscpython.common.Infinitum

classmethod works_for_value(value: Any)bool[source]

Return True if the class is able to handle the given value and its type


Get the value(s) to be packed using struct.pack()

Returns None if no value is associated with the argument, otherwise a tuple (even if there is only one item)


class oscpython.arguments.ArgumentError(value: Any, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Exception

class oscpython.arguments.ArgumentTypeError(value: Any, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.ArgumentError

class oscpython.arguments.ArgumentValueError(value: Any, msg: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: oscpython.arguments.ArgumentError